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Most countries in the world seem to be in debt.


【短语】in debt 表示“负债;欠情”。如:Bad management will land the company in debt.经营不善会使公司负债。

【单词】debt [det][det] n. 债务;恩情;负债状态

Who exactly do they owe?




【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][?ɡ'z?ktli] adv. 精确地;确切地

【单词】owe [oh][??] vt. 欠(债;钱;人情等)

Are there any consequences for them being in debt?


【单词】consequence ['kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns]['k?ns?kw?ns] n. 结果;后果;影响

They owe regular people mostly.


【单词】regular ['reg-yuh-ler]['reɡj?l?] adj. 正常的,一般的

【单词】mostly ['mohst-lee]['m??stli] adv. 主要地;通常

The vast majority of US debt, for example, is owned by American citizens in the form of government bonds.


【短语】for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here – oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。

【单词】vast [vast, vahst][vɑ?st] adj. 巨大的;广阔的

【单词】citizens 原型:citizen ['sit-uh-zuh?n, -suh?n]['s?t?zn] n. 公民

【单词】bonds 原型:bond [bond][b?nd] n. 债券

【专有名词】US 美国

It makes more sense if you recognize it's not the country, but the government that's in debt.


【单词】recognize ['rek-uhg-nahyz]['rek?ɡna?z] vt. 承认;意识到;识别

Just like a company can borrow from banks or private investors, the government can borrow from people or other countries (in the form of government bonds).


【单词】borrow ['bor-oh, 'bawr-oh]['b?r??] v. 借



If Italy owes Spain $27B and Spain owes Italy $48B, why can't Spain just owe Italy $21B and Italy not owe Spain a dime?


【单词】$ 美元符号 dollar sign,美元

【单词】dime [dahym][da?m] n. 一角硬币

【专有名词】Italy 地名 ['it-l-ee]['?t?li] n. 意大利

【专有名词】Spain 地名 [speyn][spe?n] n. 西班牙(西南欧一国家,全称为the Kingdom of Spain,首都为Madrid)

【专有名词】27B和48B 中的B指billion,即10亿,27B即270亿

Because it's each others citizens/businesses investing in each other's countries.


【单词】investing 原型:invest [in-'vest][?n'vest] v. 投资;投入

It's constantly going in and out, not just a big bill you owe each other.


【短语】each other 彼此,互相;例句:Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。

【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['k?nst?ntli] adv. 不断地;经常地

It's hundreds of thousands of entities investing in each other's government bonds, with bonds being paid out and sold every day.


【单词】entities 原型:entity ['en-ti-tee]['ent?ti] n. 实体

【单词】sold 原型:sell [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖

It's a market.


When governments want money they can either tax their citizens or borrow from them.


Much like how a business can sell products or borrow from investors.


【单词】sell [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖

How much to tax, how much to borrow and how much to spend is very complicated, and depends a lot on the personal preferences of the government and its citizens.


【单词】spend [spend][spend] v. 花费;耗费

【单词】complicated 原型:complicate ['kom-pli-keyt]['k?mpl?ke?t] v. 使复杂化;使起纠纷

【单词】depends 原型:depend [dih-'pend][d?'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于

【单词】preference ['pref-er-uhns]['prefr?ns] n. 偏爱;优先;喜爱物;优惠

So, short answer is the government borrows from the people who live there and spend that money on the people who live there.


Consequence can be great, or crap, depending on what the money is spent on, and how willing everyone is to repay the debts.


【单词】Consequence 原型:consequence ['kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns]['k?ns?kw?ns] n. 结果;后果;重要性;影响

【单词】crap [krap][kr?p] n. <俚>废话;质量差的东西;垃圾

【单词】willing ['wil-ing]['w?l??] adj. 愿意的;心甘情愿的

【单词】repay [ri-'pey][r?'pe?] v. 偿还;报答;还钱给
