

点击: 来源:百痕网
摘要:孙小头上六星开国纪念币 孙小头上六星纪念币纪念币是1911年12月29 日经辛亥革命后,光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统。民国成立时鼓铸的纪念币。本币为孙中山


孙小头上六星纪念币纪念币是1911年12月29 日经辛亥革命后,光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统。民国成立时鼓铸的纪念币。本币为孙中山头像,中间绘有五谷模型,取丰岁足民之义,垂劝农务本之规。民国十六年北伐战争胜利,国民政府定都南京,南京造币厂先取原模,重铸孙中山开国纪念币,后又改动币背面的英文和花边(六角星),铸成新版,批量发行,俗称"小头"。

此后四年孙中山开国纪念币铸量不下数十亿,与"袁大头"一起成为旧中国的主要流通货币。此枚钱币采用大总统孙中山肖像,直径39毫米,重26.5克,银元材质珍贵,艺术价值高,由贵重金属或白银合金铸造,制作精美。背面中央为中文隶书书体“壹圆”二字,左右各辅以嘉禾图案,每枝一穗三叶,代表“三民主义”之意,上侧铸有“MEMENTO”(纪念币)字样,下侧为“BIRTH OF REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中华民国诞生),左右上方分列六角星图案。此币为上六角星版、此藏品虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,上面的包浆也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征。


The six star commemorative coin on Sun Xiaotou is a commemorative coin that was elected by the representatives of 17 provinces in Nanjing as the provisional president of the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution on December 29, 1911. A commemorative coin cast by drums when the Republic of China was founded. The local currency is Sun Yat sen's head portrait, with a grain model painted in the middle. It takes the meaning of being rich and full of people, and advocates the rules of agricultural affairs. After the victory of the Northern Expedition in the 16th year of the Republic of China, the National Government set the capital of Nanjing. The Nanjing Mint first took the original model and recast the commemorative coin of Sun Yat sen's founding. Later, it changed the English and lace (six pointed star) on the back of the coin and cast a new version, which was issued in batches, commonly known as "small head". In the following four years, Sun Yat sen's commemorative coins for the founding of the country were minted in billions, and together with "Yuan Datou", they became the main currency of old China. This coin is made of the portrait of President Sun Yat sen, with a diameter of 39mm and a weight of 26.5g. It is made of precious silver and has high artistic value. It is cast from precious metal or silver alloy and is beautifully made. In the middle of the back is the word "One Yuan" in Chinese clerical script, with Jiahe designs on the left and right, each branch has a spike of three leaves, representing the meaning of "Three People's Principles". The words "MEMENTO" (commemorative coin) are cast on the upper side, "Birth of REPUBLIC of China" (born of the Republic of China) is on the lower side, and hexagonal stars are arranged on the upper left and right. This coin is the upper hexagonal star type. Although the collection has gone through endless years, its veins are still clearly visible, and the paste coating on it also witnessed its historical accumulation, which has a very obvious historical transitional feature. At present, it is extremely rare, especially precious, and has a certain value preservation and appreciation function. From the perspective of archaeology, the six star commemorative coins on Sun Xiao's head recorded the long and earth shaking revolutionary history of the 1911 Revolution, witnessed the struggle of countless revolutionary martyrs, and were the finest coins in modern China; From the perspective of collection, with the passage of time, the market stock of "Sun Xiaotou's Six Star Commemorative Coins" has become more and more scarce, especially those with good appearance. They have become the "old and rare" collections in the coin market, with a certain collection value and appreciation space, and high collection value.






















